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魅力中国游 (互联网尊享版)-京东安联入境旅行保险 计划三

魅力中国游 (互联网尊享版)-京东安联入境旅行保险  计划三

披露名 : 魅力中国游 (互联网尊享版)-京东安联入境旅行保险

1-3天 4-7天 8-10天 11-15天 16-20天
  • 21-25天
  • 26-30天
90.00 查看银行限额
  • 保险责任

  • 意外身故及伤残AccidentalDeathandDisability
    When the insured person is traveling with valid documents and suffers an accidental injury resulting in death or one of the disabilities listedin the "Disability Assessment Standard and Code for Personal insurance" (JR/T0083-2013) within 180 days from the date of the accident, the insurer shall pay the insurance money up to the policy limit in accordance with the contract agreement.
  • 医疗费用补偿(含意外及急性病)MedicalReimbursement
    When the insured person is traveling with valid documents, for medical expenses incurred within 90 days from the date of treatment due to accidental injury or ilness (after the waiting period), which are in accordance with the contract and are reasonable and necessary actual expenditures, the insurer shal compensate according to the compensation ratio after deducting the deductible. The insurer shall bear the compensation liability up to the contract limit.
  • 每日住院津贴(30日为限)Dailyhospialincome(30dayslimited)
    When the insured person is traveling with valid documents and suffers an accidental injury or falls ill after the waiting period, and is diagnosed by a doctor at a medical institution agreed upon in the contract as requiring hospitalization, the insurer shall pay the hospitalization allowance insurance money according to the reasonable number of hospitalization days after deducting the deductible days. The maximum number of days is limited to the number of days specified in the insurance policy.
  • 旅行延误(每满5小时赔偿300元,但以保险金额为限)Traveldelay(compensationofRMB300foreveryfull5hours)
    During the insured's travel, if the public transportation that the insured originally planned to take is delayed due to external causes, and the delay reaches the continuous duration specified inthe insurance policy, the insurer shall be liable to compensate in accordance with the provisions of this additional contract, up to the insurance amount specified for this additional contract forthe insured in the policy.
  • 行李延误(每满6小时赔偿500元,但以保险金额为限)Luggagedelay(CompensationofRMB500foreveryfull6hours)
    During the insured's travel, if the insured's checked baggage arrives at the destination later than the insured and the delay reaches the agreed compensation standard, the insurer shall be liable for the compensation.If the insurer has already paid the insured for personal baggageand personal items under the same insurance event,the amount already paid shall be deducted.
  • 盗刷盗用账户资金损失Lossoffundsfromstolenandembezzledaccounts
    When the insured person is traveling and suffers a loss of funds in their personal account due to the following reasons, and such loss has been filed with the public security authorities, the insurer shall compensate in accordance with the provisions of this additional contract:
    1.Loss of funds in the insured's personal account due to theft,unauthorized use,or duplication ofthe account.
    2.Loss of funds in the insured's personal account due to the insured person being coerced into giving their account to others for use, or revealincg the account number and password to others while under duress.
  • 个人钱财损失Lossofpersonalmoney
    When the insured person is traveling and suffers a loss of personal cash in a locked safe or personal cash carried on their person due to theft or robbery,the insurer shall bear the compensation liability up to the contract limit after deducting the deductible.
  • 旅行证件损失Lossoftraveldocuments
    When the insured person is traveling with valid documents and suffers a loss due to the theft or obbery of travel documents, the insurer shall compensate for the reasonable and necessary actual expenses incurred:
    1. The cost of obtaining a temporary travel document;
    2.The additional expenses for accommodation at a three-star hotel or lower standard and the costs of public transportation due to the extended stay.
  • 医疗运送和送返MedicaAssistanceevacuationandrepatriaion
    When the insured person is traveling with valid documents and suffers from accidenta iniury or sudden illness,the rescue organization deems itnecessary to transport or repatriate the insuredperson to a hospital that meets the treatment conditions,or to his/her daily place of residenceor place of work outside of China (outside ofmainland China). The insurer shall be liable folcompensation up to the insured amount of the contract.
  • 身故遗体送返(丧葬费用以2万元为限)repatriationofremains(funeralexpenseslimitedtoRMB20,000)
    The insured person holds valid documents fortravel.In case of accidental injury or sudden illness,if the insured dies within sixty days, therescue institution will arrange for the preservationor cremation of the body within the legal scope othe place where the insured died.The insurer shall bear the compensation liability for theexpenses of repatriating the insured's body orashes or funeral expenses, up to the contractlimit.
  • 亲友慰问探访费用Compassionatevisit
    During the period of insurance, if the insured person suffers from an accidental injury or sudden illness while traveling in mainland China resulting in the death of the insured person or the insured person must be hospitalized as diagnosed by a doctor in the insured person's place of residence,and the hospitalizationis more than ten days, and the insured person is unable to take care of himself/hersef and has no adult to take care of him/herself, and the insurer shall pay the insurer for the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the insured person, up to the amount of the insurance amount of this supplementary contract as stated in the insurance policy,in accordance with the agreemenof this supplementary contract. The insurer shall be liable for the following expenses in accordance With the agreement of this supplementary contrac up to the insurance amount of this supplementary contract as stated in the insurance policy:
    Round-trip economy class air, sea or train tickets for the visitor to travel directly from his/her usual place of residence to the place othe insured person and one of the following expenses:
    1.Reasonable accommodation costs (limited to standard three-star hotel room at the place of residence)and public transportation expenses(limited to economy class air ticket, boat ticketor train ticket) during the period of caring for theinsured person; or
    2.Reasonable accommodation costs(standar room in a three-star hote at the place of residence)and public transportation costs(economy class air ticket, ferry ticket or trainticket)during the period of transportation of the body of the insured person.
  • 未成年子女旅行送返费用(不适用于未成年人被保人)TravalEscortofminors(notapplicabletominors)
    When the insured person is traveling and his/her minor children accompanying him/her are left unattended due to accidental iniury or sudden illness, the insured person requests the rescue organization to arrange for the return of his/her children to his/her daily place of residence outside of the country(outside of mainland China),and the insured person pays the cost of the repatriation to the rescue organization. The insurer shall bealthe compensation liability up to the insuredamount of the contract.
  • 未成年子女逾期停留费用(不适用于未成年人被保人)Prolongedstayofminors(notapplicabletominors)
    If the insured is hospitalized due to an accidental injury or illness during their trip, the insurer shall compensate for the additional accommodation and meal expenses incurred by their accompanying children under the age of 18 (excluding 18 yearsold) for overstaying beyond the end of the trip.The insurer's liability for compensation is limited to the suminsured under the contract.
  • 医疗机构推介ReferralofMedicalFacility
    当被保险人在中国大陆境内旅行期间,需要就医时,京东安联指定服务商可以向被保险人提供所在地的医院、医生的名称、地址和 电话,被保险人根据自己的需要,自主选择医疗机构就医
    Upon request of the lnsured, Allianz JD designated Provider shall provide name,address and telephone number of a qualified local doctor and hospital in the area where thensured is located and, The insured shall had the medica consultation from these medical facilities for treatment according to their own needs.
  • 紧急医疗翻译EmergencyMedicalInterpretation
    若保险人在中国大陆境内旅行途中遭受意外伤害事故或突发急性病需要就医看诊时,如需要紧急翻译服务,京东安联指定服务商可提供免费的短时线上紧急电话翻译服务。若被保险人要求寻找陪同就医翻译,京东安联指定服务商可提供译员介绍及联系方式,但是服务提供者的最终选择应当由被保险人决定并自行承担费用。如线上医疗翻译涉及英文以外其他语种,被保险人需提前 24小时联系京东安联指定服务商。
    In case the emergency online medica interpretation involves languages other than English,the insured need suffers from an accidentaliniury or a sudden illness during China travel·Upon reguest of the insured, Allianz JD designated Provider shall provide the free short-term online emergency online medica interpretation service via phone during the insured accept the medical consultation. In case the insured requests to have an accompanying medicalinterpreter,the esignated Allianz JD Provider could recommend and provide theinterpreter contact information. The insuredshall bear the interpreter cost by him/herself
  • 安排入院服务HopitalizationArrangements
    In the event that the insured suffers from anaccidental injury or a sudden illness during China travel, Allianz JD designated Service Provider shall assist in arranging the medical consultation in local network medical facilities(doctors,hospitals, dentists) based on theinsured's medical condition. lf the insured meetsthe hospitalization criteria, Allianz JD designated Provider shall assist the hospitalization.
  • 住院医疗费用垫付和担保Medicalexpensesguaranteeandpayment
    In the event that the insured suffers from anaccidental injury or a sudden illness during China travel and needs to be hospitalized and the medical expenses incurredin Mainland China is covered by the travel insurance contract, Uponthe requests of the insured, Allianz JD designatecProvider shall provide Inpatient medical expenses guarantee service after obtaining authorization ofAlianz JD,The Provider shalL investigate the cause of accident,monitor the insured's physical condition, provide medical report treatment received by the insured and estimated cost,and send detailed information of the insured to the insurance Company inorder that the Insurance Company can judge if such insured is eligible for the requested services.

小马点评 *点评内容为平台意见,仅供参考


  • 投保须知

重要提示 费率表 客户告知书 保单样本
承保机构 本产品由京东安联财产保险有限公司(以下简称“保险公司”)承保,保险公司已具备全流程线上服务的能力。目前保险公司在广东、深圳、上海、北京、四川设有分支机构。对于保险公司未设立分支机构的地区,可能会存在服务不到位、时效差的问题,但保险公司会在用户服务和时效上提供竭力保障。
线上服务 保险公司已具备全流程线上服务的能力,有关保单的任何查询、投诉、咨询以及投保、承保、理赔、保全、退保的办理流程及保险赔款、退保金、保险金的支付方式,您可以通过“京东安联保险”微信公众号--自助服务或拨打客服热线950610进行咨询。
如实告知 在投保本产品前您应履行相应的如实告知义务。根据《中华人民共和国保险法》第十六条的规定,订立保险合同时,保险公司就保险标的或者被保险人的有关情况提出询问的,投保人应当如实告知。投保人故意或者因重大过失未履行前款规定的如实告知义务,足以影响保险公司决定是否同意承保或者提高保险费率的,保险公司有权解除合同。投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的,保险公司对于合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任,并不退还保险费。投保人因重大过失未履行如实告知义务,对保险事故的发生有严重影响的,保险公司对于合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任,但退还保险费。
费用扣除 投保人要求解除本保险合同,自保险人接到保险合同解除通知书之日二十四时或通知书上载明的合同终止时间(以较晚者为准)起,本保险合同的效力终止。但对于投保单次旅行保障计划的情形,如投保人按前述约定申请退保,应经保险人同意,并提供被保险人相应的未出行的证明。对于保险期间内无已发生保险金给付的被保险人,保险人收到上述证明文件和资料之日起30日内退还保险单的未满期净保费(未满期净保费=保险费×[1-(保险合同已生效的天数/保险合同保险期限的天数)] ×(1-10%)。经过天数不足一天的按一天计算。)若本保险合同已发生保险金赔偿,则未满期净保费为零。
支付和凭证 本产品提供电子保单。根据《中华人民共和国民法典》对合同的有关规定,数据电文是合同书面表现形式之一。保险公司提供电子保单作为双方保险合同关系成立的合法有效凭证并具有完整证明效力。您可以通过“京东安联保险”微信公众号或www.jdallianz.com官网自助查询,对电子保单进行验证。如需要纸质保单请联系客服,邮寄费用由投保人自行承担。


  1. 1. 仅限投保时年龄为出生满60天至90周岁的被保险人投保。
    Only available to insured persons aged 60 days to 90 years of age at the time of enrollment.
  2. 2. 未满18周岁的未成年人的身故保险金额不超过监管规定的限额。
    The amount of death insurance for minors under the age of 18 does not exceed the limit set by the regulator.
  3. 3. 本产品每一被保险人限投1份,若同一个被保险人同一旅行同时投保保险公司2份(或以上)任何旅行险或航意险产品(不包括团体保险),且在不同产品中有相同保险利益的,则保险人仅按所投保产品中保额最高的一份保险合同承担该险别项下的赔偿责任;若各保险合同的保险金额相同,即只对其中一份做赔偿。对于其余保险合同给予退还保险费。
    Each insured person shall only apply for one insurance policy.If the same insured person has applied for more than one travel insurance or aviation insurance policy (excluding group insurance) for the same trip underwritten by the company and there are same benefits in multiple policies, the company will only pay the benefit up to the highest limit of that benefit under one policy.Refund of premiums for other insurance contracts.
  4. 4. 本保单仅承保目的地为中国大陆境内的旅行,具体以本保单明细和条款中所载明或约定的旅行目的地为准。
    This policy only covers trips inside Mainland China, subject to the destination wording stated in the corresponding terms and conditions of this policy.
  5. 5. 本产品无犹豫期,请投保人谨慎选择投保,除法律法规或双方另有约定外,保单生效后退保保险公司仅退还保单未满期净保险费,退保将会造成投保人的损失,其中未满期净保费=保险费×[1-(保险合同已生效的天数/保险合同保险期限的天数)] ×(1-10%)。经过天数不足一天的按一天计算。若本保险合同已发生保险金赔偿,则未满期净保费为零。投保单次旅行保障计划的情形,如投保人按前述约定申请退保,应经保险人同意,并提供被保险人相应的未出行的证明。
    There is no hesitation period for this insurance, please choose to insure carefully. Except for laws and regulations or otherwise agreed by both parties,our Company will only refund the net premium for the unexpired term of the policy if the policy is surrendered after it has come into effect, and the surrender of the policy will result in the policyholder's loss, in which the net premium for the unexpired term = Premium × [1 - (number of days that the insurance contract has been in force/number of days of the insurance contract's insurance term)] × (1-10%). If the number of days elapsed is less than one day, it is calculated as one day.If an insurance claim has been incurred under this insurance contract, the net unexpired premium will be zero.In the case of insuring a single trip protection plan, if the insured person applies for surrender of the policy in accordance with the foregoing agreement,the insurer shall agree to it and provide the insured person with corresponding proof of not traveling in China.
  6. 6. 本保单的保费支付方式为一次性支付保单保费,保险费交清前,本合同不生效。(详见相关条款描述)
    The premium payment method of this policy is a lump sum payment of the policy premium, and this contract will not take effect until the insurance premium is paid.(Please refer to the description of the relevant terms and conditions for details)
  7. 7. 存在以下情形的,保险人不承担赔付旅行延误保险金责任:被保险人搭乘的航班为中转联程航班,且航班中转地在境内的;航班中转地在境外,且中转联程航班预留时间不足90分钟的。
    The insurer shall not be liable to pay travel delay insurance benefits under the following circumstances:the insured's flight is a connecting flight, and the flight transit place is in China; The connecting place of the flight is overseas, and the reserved time for the connecting flight is less than 90 minutes.
  8. 8. 保险人认可的就诊医院范围是中华人民共和国境内(港、澳、台地区除外)合法经营的二级(含)以上的医院,除外以下就诊场所
    The scope of hospitals recognized by this policy is hospitals at level 2 or above (including level 2) that are legally operated within the territory of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions), with the following treatment facilities excluded:
    1)Special needs departments, foreign guest departments, cadres' wards, combined wards, international medical centers, VIP departments, or other high - level wards that do not fall within the scope of social medical insurance;
    2)Rehabilitation departments, rehabilitation beds, health centers, natural treatment centers, convalescent hospitals, combined hospitals, clinics, mental hospitals, nursing homes, sanatoriums, drug rehabilitation centers, alcohol rehabilitation centers, emergency observation rooms (of hospitals), and home beds.
  9. 9. 本保单仅承保外籍人士和港澳台居民在入境后于中华人民共和国境内(港、澳、台地区除外)旅行期间的相关风险,不承保被保险人入境前的境外旅行以及出境后的境外旅行。
    This policy only covers the relevant risks of foreign nationals or residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan during their travel within the territory of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan regions) after entering the country.It does not cover the overseas travel of the insured before entering the country or the overseas travel after exit the country.
  10. 10. 兹经双方理解并同意,若保险公司/保险人在本保险合同项下提供任何保险保障、利益或支付任何保险赔偿金会导致保险公司/保险人违反联合国决议项下的任何制裁、禁止性或限制性规定,或者违反中国或欧盟或美国颁布的任何经济贸易制裁、法律法规,则保险公司/保险 人在本保险合同项下不提供前述保险保障、利益,亦不支付前述保险赔偿金。
    This policy is not be deemed to provide cover and the insurer not be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose the insurer to any sanction, prohibition, or restriction under the People's Republic of China resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws, or regulations of the European Union or the United States of America.
  11. 11. 赔付说明:每日住院津贴,以30天为限;旅行延误,每满5小时赔偿300元,但以保险金额为限;行李延误,每满6小时赔偿500元,但以保险金额为限;身故遗体送返,丧葬费用以20,000元为限。
    The Daily hospital allowance is limited to 30 days; for Repatriation of remains , the funeral expenses are limited to RMB 20,000;for Baggage delay ,RMB 500 for every 6 hours,for Travel delay,RMB300 for every 5 hours,the compensation amount shall be within the scope of the insured amount.
  12. 12. 本产品包含如下增值服务:医疗机构推介、紧急医疗翻译、安排入院服务、住院医疗费用垫付和担保,详情可查看《保险服务手册》(点击可查看)
    This product includes the following value-added services: Referral of Medical Facility, Emergency Medical Interpretation, Hopitalization Arrangements, Medical expenses guarantee and payment. For details, please refer to the "Insurance Service Manual" (clickable for viewing).
  • 保险条款

旅行人身意外伤害保险条款(互联网版) C00005032312023080122111/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行医疗费用保险条款(互联网A版) C00005032522023080121731/京东安联发〔2023〕264 号
附加旅行每日住院津贴保险条款(互联网版) C00005032522023080121961/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行个人账户损失保险条款 C00005032122024102300413/京东安联发〔2024〕351 号
附加旅行个人钱财损失保险条款(互联网版) C00005032122023080121921/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行证件损失保险条款(互联网版) C00005032122023080122161/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行医疗运送和送返保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080121781/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行身故遗体送返保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080121791/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行亲友慰问探访保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080122291/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加未成年子女旅行送返保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080121761/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行子女逾期停留费用补偿保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080121681/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加旅行延误保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080121771/京东安联发〔2023〕264 号
附加行李延误保险条款(互联网版) C00005031922023080121721/京东安联发〔2023〕264号
附加承保入境旅行保险条款(互联网版) C00005032322025012607093/京东安联发〔2025〕30号
  • 1、报案

  • 2、提交理赔资料

  • 3、理赔资料审核

  • 4、领取赔款









Who should l contact to apply for a claim?
You can contact the Allianz JD's 24-hour hotline +86950610 when you travel in China.
Can this insurance be insured abroad?
No. Foreigners cannot purchase this insurance plan until they come to China. lt only covers Mainland China(does not cover Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan regions of China).
Can residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan of China apply for this insurance?
Yes, they can.
Can foreigners purchase this insurance plan while work in China?
No, this insurance only covers foreigners coming to China for tourism, visiting relatives, business trips within30 days, official visits within 30 days, studying within 30days,or attending exhibitions.

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